Help Center / What will happen if I do not have the required continuing education for renewal?

If the practitioner’s continuing education records are not complete, they will be prompted to enter their remaining continuing education hours before proceeding with their license renewal.

The project will be implemented in two phases. The first phase (optional phase) will prompt practitioners to input required continuing education hours, but will not prevent licensure renewal. The second phase (mandatory) will require reporting of all required continuing education hours in order to proceed with license renewal.

Below is a chart identifying the optional phase and first mandatory phase for each profession.

Medical Doctors
Expiring 1/31 even year
2/1/12 – 1/31/142/1/14 – 1/31/16
Physician Assistants2/1/12 – 1/31/142/1/14 – 1/31/16
Medical Doctors
Expiring 1/31 odd year
2/1/13 – 1/31/152/1/15 – 1/31/17
Anesthesiologist Assistant2/1/13 – 1/31/152/1/15 – 1/31/17

During the mandatory phase you will not be able to renew a license without having your continuing education hours reported into the continuing education tracking system. If you do not have the hours to report, your license will move to a delinquent status at expiration. In order to renew a delinquent license you will be required to complete the continuing education requirements. Additional fees may apply.