Under the authority of § 381.986, Florida Statutes (F.S.), new practice standards for the certification of smoking marijuana as a route of administration became effective on July 13, 2021. All physicians who are authorized to issue a certification for the medical use of marijuana in a form for smoking as defined in § 381.986(1), F.S., must now comply with the new practice standards set forth in Rule 64B8-9.0181, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The new practice standards address a number of issues including patient evaluation, establishment of treatment plans, informed consent, periodic patient review and consultation, and the maintenance of medical records. Qualified physicians must at all times remain in compliance with Rule 64B8-9.0181, F.A.C., and all state laws and regulations addressing the issuance of certifications for the medical use of marijuana in a form for smoking. In addition to the new practice standards, qualified physicians must have patients who will use smoking marijuana as a route of administration sign an updated “Medical Marijuana Consent Form,” which is incorporated by reference in Rule 64B8-9.018, F.A.C.
New Practice Standards Related to Smoking Marijuana for Medical Use

Posted in Latest News on July 26, 2021.