Take a Loved One to the Doctor Month

Posted in Latest News on August 12, 2013.

Dear Colleagues and Community Partners,

The Florida Department of Healths Office of Minority Health invites you to join us in protecting, promoting, and improving the health of all residents and visitors in the state of Florida by supporting the statewide campaign to Take a Loved One to the Doctor Month (TALOTTD). Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day is a national Initiative which is celebrated annually on the third Tuesday in September. This year (2013) the Office of Minority Health will launch a month-long, statewide campaign to promote this health initiative during the month of September.

The Office of Minority Health is urging all Floridians to take charge of their health and encourage their loved ones to seek healthcare in honor of “Take a Loved One to the Doctor” Day. Initially launched by Tom Joyner and the US Department of Health & Human Services, this campaign specifically aims to improve the health of racial and ethnic minority populations as well as the elderly, underserved and underrepresented communities. All Floridians are encouraged to make an appointment to see a health care provider, attend a health event in their community, or help a friend, neighbor or family member do the same during the month of September. The Department urges all Floridians to focus on prevention and early detection.

This year, the Office of Minority Health solicits your participation in establishing a statewide network of health care providers, health centers, clinics, physicians, and health departments who would offer health services and screenings to individuals in our communities who are uninsured or underinsured. Through a coordinated statewide campaign, we hope that more people will get involved, take advantage of the available services offered by our health care system, and assist others who are in need.

The goal of Take a Loved One to the Doctor Month is to encourage families and others to join together to promote good health in our communities by taking a loved one for a health screening, making and keeping an appointment to see a physician or other health care provider to attend to health issues or concerns particularly among vulnerable populations who often delay seeking medical care in a timely fashion. By participating in this observance, the department is helping to provide Floridians with the tools needed to take charge of their health. Prevention and treatment will help to combat preventable diseases and health disparities amongst the citizens of Florida. The use of these tools, however, starts with a decision. We must each take charge of our own health.

We will provide a TALOTTD toolkit that will include: promotional letter, flyers, posters, and pledge cards in English and Spanish to help you with publicizing your Take a Loved One to the Doctor Month events. Help us get the word out by distributing the flyers throughout your community, along with encouraging staff, friends, family, community members and partners to “Take a Loved One to the Doctor.” If you would like to participate in this years campaign; please send a copy to us of the date, time, location, and services being provided at your event by Monday, August 26, 2013, at Minorityhealthliaison@doh.state.fl.us so we can post to our website.


Mike Mason
Director, Office of Minority Health

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