Anesthesiologist Assistants

Click on the appropriate tab below to see the Renewal Requirements, Process, Fees and Continuing Medical Education (CME) for Anesthesiologist Assistants.

The department will renew your license upon receipt of:

  1. Completed Renewal application (Mailed by the Department of Health)

  2. Required fees

  3. Completed  financial responsibility form

  4. Your current primary place of practice address

  5. A sworn statement of no felony convictions in the previous two years

  6. Confirmation of required continuing education hours reported into the continuing education tracking system, CE Broker.

To ensure you receive notification from the department regarding the renewal, you must have on file with the department your current mailing address. Failure to renew an active or inactive license by the expiration date will result in the license being placed in delinquent status. Failure by a delinquent licensee to become active or inactive before the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the license null and void without any further action by the board or the department.

Licensees requesting to reactivate their license from inactive or retired status are required to pay additional fees and comply with specific continuing education requirements. Please contact the board office at to request your reactivation requirements.

A licensee who remains on inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles and who wishes to reactivate the license may be required to provide documentation of successful completion of the Nova Southeastern University Anesthesia Competency Assessment (or equivalent anesthesia assessment program approved by the Board) or retake and successfully complete the NCCAA certification examination.

Military Exemption

If you are a member of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty who was in good standing with the board at the time of becoming active and was entitled to practice or engage in the practice of medicine in Florida, you may be eligible to be exempted from renewal requirements for the duration of active duty, and for a period of six months after discharge, but not practicing the profession in the private sector for profit.

If you are the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, you may be eligible to be exempted from licensure renewal requirements, but only in cases of absence from the state because your spouses’ duties with the Armed Forces.

Your license will expire at midnight, Eastern Time, January 31, 2027.  At least 90 days before your license expires, the department will mail you a renewal application to your last known address of record. You will have until midnight on the day your license expires to renew. Failure to renew an active license by the expiration date will result in the license being placed in delinquent status. Failure by a delinquent licensee to renew active before the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the license null and void without any further action by the board or the department.

Failure to renew your license by the expiration date will result in the license being placed in delinquent status and a delinquent fee will be assessed in addition to the renewal fees. Failure by a delinquent licensee to become active before the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the license null and void without any further action by the board or the department.

Our professions have a minimum licensure period of 5 months. Due to the fact that anesthesiologist assistant licenses only expire in odd years, some licensees end up with a much shorter licensure period, while others have a much longer licensure period, depending on when the licenses are issued. AA licenses that are issued before September in an even year will have a renewal date of January 31 of the following year. Those issued after September of an even year will have a longer initial licensure period before having to renew for the first time.

Dispensing Registration

If you are currently registered to dispense medicinal drugs, you can renew your registration by paying the registration fee when you renew your medical license.  If you are no longer interested in dispensing medicinal drugs, you can cancel your registration by checking the appropriate box on the renewal application.

If you are not currently registered to dispense medicinal drugs and would like to register, you can complete the registration process at the time you are renewing your license by checking the appropriate box on the renewal application and paying the dispensing registration fee. The registration fee will be in addition to your renewal fee.

Military Exemption

To receive an exemption from the renewal requirements, please provide a copy of your orders which provides the beginning and end date of your current enlistment or a copy of your spouse’s orders.  If you are a Commissioned Officer, you may provide a letter from your commanding officer that reflects the length of your contract with a beginning and end date to fulfill this requirement.

Volunteer Health Services Exemption

Online renewal is not available at this time for practitioners requesting this exemption.  To receive an exemption from the biennial renewal fee and some of the continuing education hours (no more than 25%), you will be required to submit a letter certifying the total number of uncompensated health care service hours volunteered during the renewal cycle along with your renewal application.

Member of the Florida Legislature Exemption

No action is needed; however, at any time during your legislative term of office and during the period of 60 days after your term ends, you may file a completed renewal application as described under the renewal requirements tab.

Information for requesting a Name Change

Name changes require legal documentation showing the name change. Please submit a request including your full name as it appears on your license, profession, license number, your new name, your date of birth, the last four digits of your social security number, and your signature. Attach supporting documents, which must be one of the following:

  • a copy of a state issued marriage license that includes the original signature and seal from the clerk of the court
  • a divorce decree showing the name change
  • a court order showing the name change (Adoption, legal name change, federal identity change)

Any one of these will be accepted unless the department has a question about the authenticity of the document. A social security card is not considered legal documentation.

Please Note: The last four digits of the SSN are requested as required by DOH Policy Number DOHP 385-LS05-12 Name Changes for Existing Licensees, which was established for security purposes due to past instances of fraudulent activity.

If renewing BEFORE your license expires, your fees will be:

Active to Active$205.00
Inactive to Inactive$205.00
Active to Inactive$205.00
Inactive to Active$305.00
Active to Retired$55.00
Inactive to Retired$55.00

If renewing AFTER your license expires, your fees will be:

Active to Active$305.00
Inactive to Inactive$305.00
Active to Inactive$305.00
Inactive to Active$405.00
Active to Retired$155.00
Inactive to Retired$155.00

If renewing 120 day Notified Delinquent, your fees will be:

Active to Active$810.00
Inactive to Inactive$810.00
Active to Inactive$810.00
Inactive to Active$910.00
Active to Retired$660.00
Inactive to Retired$660.00

First Biennium Renewal: If you are renewing  your license for the first time you are exempt from the general continuing medical education requirements and are only required to complete 2 hours of Medical Error and one hour of HIV/AIDS.

Continuing Education (CE/CME) Requirements

To locate board approved CE Courses for this profession, please click here

General Hours38
Medical Error2Course MUST include information regarding the 5 most mis-diagnosed conditions, in accordance with Rule 64B8-13.005, F.A.C.
Domestic Violence2Required every third biennium – Included in the 38 general


CE Reporting Information →Reporting Schedule →

Board Rule Approved Providers

  • Courses approved by any state or federal government agency or nationally affiliated professional association or any provider of Category I American Medical Association Continuing Medical Education;
  • Any post graduate training program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education;
  • Documentation of current certification issued by the National Commission on Certification of Anesthesiologist Assistants (NCCAA) will count for the required general hours.  You will need to submit proof of medical error and domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Chart →

Click on Chapter or Section Number to View

Florida Statutes

458.3475 Anesthesiologist Assistant
456.013 Department; general licensing provisions
456.024 Members of Armed Forces in good standing with administrative boards or the department; spouses
456.031 Requirement for instruction on domestic violence
456.033 Requirement for instruction for certain licensees on HIV and AIDS
456.035 Address of record
456.036 Licenses; active and inactive status; delinquency
456.038 Renewal and cancellation notices
456.039 Designated health care professionals; information requirement for licensure
456.048 Financial responsibility requirements for certain health care practitioners
456.0635 Medicaid fraud; disqualification for license, certification, or registration
458.3475 Renewal of license

Florida Administrative Code

64B8-31.007 Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal
64B-9.001 Biennial Licensing
64B8-31.006 Financial Responsibility
64B8-31.007 Criteria for license renewal
64B8-31.007 Delinquent status license
64B8-31.012 Renewal fees
64B8- 31.012 Change of Status fees
64B8-31.012 Unlicensed Activity fee