Anesthesiologist Assistant Committee
This committee interviews license applicants whose prior history, including malpractice cases, raises questions of concern regarding the ability to practice with skill and safety, or questions about an Anesthesiology Assistant applicant’s performance in school or prior practice in other jurisdictions. This committee also makes recommendations for rule creation and/or changes relating to the regulation of this profession.
Staff Contact: Wendy Alls
Chair Hector Vila, M.D. – Chair
Member(s) Tiffany DiPietro, D.O. – Vice Chair
Steven Christie, M.D.
Council on Physician Assistants
The Council on Physician Assistants makes recommendations to the department on the licensure of physician assistants. It develops rules regulating the use of physician assistants by physicians and makes recommendations to the Board of Medicine and Board of Osteopathic Medicine regarding all matters relating to physician assistants. It addresses concerns and problems of practicing physician assistants in order to improve safety in the clinical practice of a licensed physician assistant.
Staff Contact: Wendy Alls
Chair John Byrnes, P.A. – Chair
Member(s) Katie Callaway, P.A. – Vice Chair
Dayne Alonso, P.A.
Wael Barsoum, M.D.
(D.O. member – Vacant)
Credentials Committee
This committee interviews license applicants whose prior history, including malpractice cases, raises questions of concern regarding the ability to practice with skill and safety, or questions about an applicant’s performance in medical school or prior practice in other jurisdictions. The committee reports to the full board with recommendations on approval or denial of applications.
Staff Contact: Wendy Alls
Chair Nicole Justice, Consumer – Chair
Member(s) Scot Ackerman, M.D. - Vice Chair
Steven Christie, M.D.
Matthew Knight, M.D.
Hector Vila, M.D.
Michael Wasylik, M.D.
Joint Committee on Medical Marijuana
This committee was tasked with developing a consent form so the law could be implemented and qualified physicians could begin complying with the requirements for issuing a physician certification to a qualified patient. The Committee would be working on specific provisions of SB8-A passed during the 2017 Special Legislative Session and related to the medical use of marijuana.
Staff Contact: Bettye “Cherise” Strickland
Chair Nicholas Romanello, Consumer – Chair
Member(s) William Kirsh, D.O. – Vice Chair
Gregory Coffman, M.D.
Michael Wasylik, M.D.
Zachariah Zachariah, M.D.
Christopher Creegan, Consumer (Osteo)
Valerie Jackson, Consumer (Osteo)
Joint Rules/Legislative Committee
This committee develops recommendations for amendment of Board rules or creation of new rules, to clarify standards or to impose requirements to strengthen patient protection and quality of care. This committee also makes recommendations to the full board regarding bills filed with the legislature.
Staff Contact: Bettye “Cherise” Strickland
Chair Hector Vila, M.D. – Chair
Member(s) Matthew Knight, M.D. – Vice Chair
Scot Ackerman, M.D.
Matthew Benson, M.D.
Amy Derick, M.D.
David Diamond, M.D.
Nicole Justice, Consumer
Nicholas Romanello, Consumer
Zachariah Zachariah, M.D.
William Kirsh, D.O.
Monica Mortensen, D.O.
Physician Certification Pattern Review Panel
Section 381.986, Florida Statutes requires the Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to jointly create a physician certification pattern review panel that shall review all physician certifications submitted to the medical marijuana use registry. The panel shall track and report the number of physician certifications and the qualifying medical conditions, dosage, supply amount, and form of marijuana certified. The panel shall report the data both by individual qualified physician and in the aggregate, by county, and statewide. The physician certification pattern review panel shall, beginning January 1, 2018, submit an annual report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Staff Contact: Bettye “Cherise” Strickland
Chair Nicholas Romanello, Consumer – Chair
Member(s) William Kirsh, D.O. – Vice Chair
Gregory Coffman, M.D.
Michael Wasylik, M.D.
Zachariah Zachariah, M.D.
Christopher Creegan, Consumer (Osteo)
Valerie Jackson, Consumer (Osteo)
Probation Committee
This committee monitors the compliance of licensees who have been disciplined and placed under conditions or license probation in Final Orders. The committee reviews required reports of compliance and requires personal appearances from probationers as part of ongoing monitoring, until such time as the conditions of probation are fulfilled. The committee presents recommendations to the full Board regarding further action when a licensee is determined to be out of compliance, or to restore full licensure when all conditions have been satisfactorily completed.
Staff Contact: Tammy Davis
Chair Gregory Coffman, M.D. – Chair
Member(s) Matthew Benson, M.D. – Vice Chair
Steven Christie, M.D.
Patrick Hunter, M.D.
Michael Wasylik, M.D.
Rules/Legislative Committee
This committee develops recommendations for amendment of Board rules or creation of new rules, to clarify standards or to impose requirements to strengthen patient protection and quality of care. This committee also makes recommendations to the full board regarding bills filed with the legislature.
Staff Contact: Bettye “Cherise” Strickland
Chair Hector Vila, M.D. – Chair
Member(s) Matthew Knight, M.D. – Vice Chair
Scot Ackerman, M.D.
Matthew Benson, M.D.
Amy Derick, M.D.
David Diamond, M.D.
Nicole Justice, Consumer
Nicholas Romanello, Consumer
Zachariah Zachariah, M.D.
Surgical Care and Quality Assurance Committee
This committee reviews the Board’s rules relating to standard of care for office surgery to determine necessary and appropriate revisions to strengthen patient safety and minimize the risk factors that contribute to adverse patient incidents. This committee addresses issues related to quality of care and standards of practice and formulates policy recommendations for the full Board’s consideration and studies quality of care issues as they arise.
Staff Contact: Bettye “Cherise” Strickland
Chair David Diamond, M.D. – Chair
Member(s) Nicholas Romanello, Consumer – Vice Chair
Wael Barsoum, M.D.
Amy Derick, M.D.
Patrick Hunter, M.D.
Matthew Knight, M.D.
Hector Vila, M.D.
Joint Surgical Care & Quality Assurance Committee
This committee reviews the Board’s rules relating to standard of care for office surgery to determine necessary and appropriate revisions to strengthen patient safety and minimize the risk factors that contribute to adverse patient incidents. This committee addresses issues related to quality of care and standards of practice and formulates policy recommendations for the full Board’s consideration and studies quality of care issues as they arise.
Staff Contact: Bettye “Cherise” Strickland
Chair David Diamond, M.D. – Chair
Member(s) Nicholas Romanello, Consumer – Vice Chair
Wael Barsoum, M.D.
Amy Derick, M.D.
Patrick Hunter, M.D.
Matthew Knight, M.D.
Hector Vila, M.D.
William Kirsh, D.O.
Monica Mortensen, D.O.