Upcoming Rule Hearings

Posted in Latest News on January 8, 2015.

On February 5, 2015, the Florida Boards of Medicine & Osteopathic Medicine Office Surgery Rule Subcommittee will meet to discuss Rule 64B8-9.009, F.A.C. – Standard of Care for Office Surgery. If you would like to appear before the subcommittee to voice your opinion regarding this rule, the hearing will be open to the public. Speaker request forms will be available just prior to the start of the meeting.

On the following day at 7:30 AM, the Board of Medicine will continue their discussion of Rule 64B8-10.003, F.A.C. – Cost of Reproducing Medical Records. The board will again be accepting comments from the public regarding the proposed changes to this rule. The deadline for comments to be presented to the board is January 22, 2015; however, those interested in attending this meeting and/or appearing before the subcommittee should follow the process outlined above.

Information about the February 2015 committee, subcommittee, and full board meetings, including location information and meeting materials, can be found on the Upcoming Meetings page of our website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the board office at (850) 245-4131 or MQA.Medicine@flhealth.gov.

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